Following an increasing trend in decentralised applications there is an ever growing demand to produce secure protocols and software development frameworks from which to implement these applications. The modern browser implements an API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), called WebRTC, that supports peer-to-peer (P2P) voice/video calling and file sharing without the need to install external plugins.
In this article I will discuss what WebRTC is and its underlying libraries. In
addition I will guide you through cross-compiling libjingle
for the Raspberry
Pi to take advantage of P2P technologies within your own applications. Note
that this is a largely untested process and does not go through using the
library once built.
What is WebRTC
WebRTC is an API definition containing video and audio codecs and Realtime
Transport (RTP) stack. Its primary goal is to provide a layer of abstraction
away from the underlying libjingle
libraries that implement the Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) stack, Session Traversal Utilities for
NAT (STUN) and Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) protocols.
Originally an open source project released by Google in 2011, following work has been made to standardise the relevant protocols in the IETF and browser APIs in the W3C. These standards aim to allow compatible browsers to establish P2P connectivity across internal and external networks (such as the Internet) and even through firewalls, making it truly distributed at a large scale.
WebRTC is designed as a JavaScript API with 3 major components:
, which allows a web browser to access the camera and microphoneRTCPeerConnection
, which sets up audio/video callsRTCDataChannel
, which allow browsers to share data through a P2P connection
The libjingle library
is a collection of open source C++ code that enable you to build
P2P applications. The code handles creating a network connection (through NAT
and firewall devices, relay servers, and proxies), negotiating session details
(codecs, formats, etc.), and exchanging data.
The code includes network and proxy negotiation classes, XML parsing classes, a STUN server, and all the code required to initiate connections and exchange data between two computers. The connection code enables applications to robustly traverse NAT and firewall devices using the ICE mechanism, to use STUN servers, and to exchange either UDP or TCP data packets. You can use the code as provided, or extend it fit your own specific needs, according to the Berkeley-style license.
was created at about the same time as the
Jingle Extensible Messaging
and Presence Protocol (XMPP) extension. Despite sharing similar names, it is
worth noting that libjingle
implements its own protocol to handle session
negotiation; thus, although the libjingle
protocol and Jingle are very
similar, they are not the same, and are not interoperable.
Cross-compiling libjingle for the Raspberry Pi
First we requires a suitable Linux cross-compilation host. I will tend to use another linux host, preferably Debian based, since Raspbian is Debian based also. Due to this they share a similar command line and should have compatible build tools. Regardless you will need to install the necessary toolchain.
I have created a repository containing all of the configuration you are about to read through. You can find it on GitHub in its current incarnation. Any pull requests are welcome to help complete this project.
Installing the toolchain
First we need to install depot_tools
and add it to the shell PATH
is a collection of code checkout management packages maintained
by Google that includes gclient
, gcl
, git-cl
, repo
and others. We will
use these tools to checkout and build the webrtc codebase.
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ sudo git clone /opt/depot_tools
$ echo "export PATH=/opt/depot_tools:\$PATH" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/
The second part of the toolchain is a series of common linux packages already compiled for the Raspberry Pi ARM architecture. These will be used to cross-compile the webrtc codebase.
$ sudo git clone /opt/rpi_tools
$ echo "export PATH=/opt/rpi_tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin:\$PATH" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/
Last we need to define a series of build flags.
$ echo "export GYP_CROSSCOMPILE=1" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/
$ echo "export GYP_DEFINES=\"target_arch=arm arm_float_abi=hard clang=0 include_tests=0 sysroot=$(pwd)/rootfs werror=\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/
$ echo "export GYP_GENERATOR_OUTPUT=arm" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/
Remember that despite adding these statements into the profile.d
folder they
will not take effect until you start a new shell session. To do this either
logout and back in or simply type source /etc/profile
to “refresh” your
current session.
Bootstrapping a compatible filesystem
Next we are going to install a Debian base filesystem into a subdirectory of the current folder compatible with the ARM Hard Float Port architecture. We will do so using the debootstrap package. This is known as “cross-debootstrapping”.
This needs to be done in two parts because we’ll be bootstrapping a foreign
base system with a differing architectures from the host. The initial step
downloads the necessary .deb
files and unpacks them only. A copy of
debootstrap sufficient for completing the bootstrap process will be installed
as /debootstrap/debootstrap in the target filesystem. This is then run with the
option to complete the bootstrapping process.
The second part runs all of the package configuration scripts, which must be
done using the target architecture (or by using qemu-user-static to emulate the
target architecture). Here we opt for the latter by copying qemu-arm-static
into the bootstrapped filesystem just before running the second stage.
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static debootstrap
$ sudo debootstrap --arch armhf --foreign --include=g++,libasound2-dev,libpulse-dev,libudev-dev,libexpat1-dev,libnss3-dev,libgtk2.0-dev wheezy rootfs
$ sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static rootfs/usr/bin/
$ sudo chroot rootfs /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
$ find rootfs/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -lname '/*' -printf '%p %l\n' | while read link target; do
sudo ln -snfv "../../..${target}" "${link}"
$ find rootfs/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkgconfig -printf "%f\n" | while read target; do
sudo ln -snfv "../../lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkgconfig/${target}" rootfs/usr/share/pkgconfig/${target}
When this has finished you will have successfully built an environment capable of cross-compiling webrtc for the raspberry pi.
Building the library
Finally we can your the tools downloaded earlier to build the webrtc codebase. First create a working directory chage directory into it. You can call this working directory whatever you want and is used primarily to encapsulate what we’re trying to achieve. From here building the libjingle library is simply a series of 3 commands that will checkout the code; synchronise it with the external repository (if necessary); and then finally build from source.
$ fetch --no-history --nohooks webrtc
$ gclient sync --verbose
$ ninja -C $(PWD)/src/arm/out/Release
This can take a rather long time and the gclient
command is prone to error
from time to time. If this does happen then running it again should fix the
problem. You may need to run it several more time until it completes.
External Resources
- WebRTC homepage. See
- WebRTC development documentation (see development).